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Temporary traffic route made of ROAD SYSTEM road plates


On the route out of Kórnik, repair works were planned along the road. A path to provide pedestrian and cycle communication was required for the refurbishment. The hardening of the existing pavement was to take place in the short term


It was decided to use the lightweight ROAD SYSTEM 200 plastic panels, whose installation does not require a crane. The temporary traffic lane was created in no time. More than 280 metres of 1.2 m wide path were connected using 310 ROAD SYSTEM LINK 200 connectors. This ensured the stability of the pavement and prevented the road from shifting.


The resulting route served as a temporary road for almost six months. At that time, it was used not only by pedestrians, but also by cyclists or people on scooters or scooters. The ROAD SYSTEM 200 boards were in perfect condition after this time of use.


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